Learn The Art Of Manifestation

Confidence to be yourself And learn how to master yourself, your imagination, and your future.


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You have the power within yourself to transform your life.

It’s the transition from survival to creator consciousness.
It’s uninstalling the programs that were given to us (unconsciously or otherwise) as children and reprogramming ourselves based on the truth and knowledge of the universe. 

It’s activating the most powerful expression, impact, affluence, and abundance to help us reach our maximum potential in life and business.

It’s the Heroine’s Quest that we all must go on to fully become who we’re meant to be—to learn how to love ourselves, access abundance, and create on a whole new level. 

start your quest right now  →

That’s what the Heroine’s Quest is all about


"She is a well-read, experienced and trustworthy coach who I am truly grateful for having in my life. Thanks to her guiding I now believe in myself, work with what I love and dare to dream BIG. Thank you Toini."

"My love for this beautiful lady is boundless. I finished my course with Toini at the beginning of the year and it was such a powerful way to start 2019. The content and her guidance helped me explore new parts of my shadow that I had been ignoring or didn't know existed."

"I've just recently completed the 3 month Coaching Program with Toini Halle and what a beautifully empowering experience I've had along this journey. Toini helped me to see life & business with an eyes wide open and multi-dimensional perspective."

"I've learnt not to survive but how to step into my greatness and power. I've recently gained the courage to start my own SoulFit business where I'm manifesting, developing and creating from my heart space, which feels really amazing."

"If you are looking to evolve within yourself and your business, I highly recommend Toini and her strengthening and inspiring style. This woman coaches from her amazing experience and is nothing but 100% authentic and genuine."

"I've been in a group coaching program for 3 months with amazing women led by the extraordinary and loving Toni. It has truly changed my life. I've grown more in this safe and loving space than I ever thought possible in this small amount of time."

"Toini has given me the most beautiful gift someone could ever give; believing in myself. She has shown me that I AM worthy, and I AM enough! 💖 Her coaching style is so beautiful with the perfect balance with both confrontation and honesty."

"I had SO many insights during Toini’s amazing group coaching program. But the biggest one was being able to trust and love myself and my inner voice, and see myself in a whole new perspective."

"It was an amazing journey, Toini was great, an inspiring person and coach that I recommend with all my heart and soul. It was a great experience to be part of the group coaching."

"Halla at this powerful Toini and her amazing coaching, soul guiding and personal touch with people. Thank you for being so supportive and REAL. You gave me strength and energy through your words of wisdom."

The Heroine’s Quest is a journey…

To the True Self

Do you ever feel like you’re too much? Too much woman for this world, too much emotion for this situation, too much joy for this moment? 

Or maybe you feel like you’re not enough. Not enough for a man, not enough for a job, not enough as a parent. 

Women are so often told we’re not right. We’re too much or not enough. So we do everything we can to become the person we’re told we need to be. We create coping strategies to help us live in a world that is overly masculine. And women are left wearing a mask, pretending to be the good girl, the rebel, the victim, the bully—all roles society wants us to play. 

But you don’t have to. With the Heroine’s Quest, you can find our True Self. 

Do you ever feel out of control? Exhausted, overwhelmed? Or maybe betrayed, full of rage, or just flat our depressed? 
All these extreme feelings are the result of those coping strategies. They’re a direct side effect of having to live in a patriarchal society, and they leave us feeling completely lost and often alone. 

The Heroine’s Quest can lead you to the answers and to master the emotions that have been flying out of control for as long as you can remember.

To Self Mastery

To Wholeness

Do you ever feel incomplete? Like there’s something missing in your life? Many women do, and it’s because as women we search for wholeness, not perfection. 

We want to feel well-rounded, fulfilled, and yes, whole. Yet because we’re forced into societal roles, essential parts of ourselves lay dormant and hidden, just waiting to be awoken and brought back to life. 

The Heroine’s Quest will wake up whatever is hiding deep inside you and help you find your way to wholeness. 

The Heroine’s Quest is a psycho-spiritual entrepreneurial journey. And it starts right here, right now. 

The Heroine's Quest

The Heroine’s Quest is a 3-course bundle divinely created to help you become a master manifestor by mastering yourself. 

Unlocking your potential begins with the understanding that success is an inside job. It’s time to level yourself up to the frequency you desire and attract your most colorful dreams while monetizing it all.


This bundle of courses includes: 

self-love alchemy

Revitalize the intimacy with yourself, and those you love the most and long for deeper connections with. Understand and overcome the neurobiological pattern women hold within their cells called “not being enough.” Embrace and heal your shadow side and hold boundaries

access abundance

Discover your deepest gifts, blueprints, and codes hidden deep within your soul and activate them. Understand your place in an emerging market that is expected to reach $1 billion per day by 2025. Shift into the abundance frequency that is your birthright.

quantum creation

Understand energy and how it works with your creative cycles, what the “knock and the doors shall open” principle really means, and an introduction to the 7 universal laws of creation, and the magic of manifestation.

Total investment for all 3 courses 397€
A savings of nearly 100€

Valued at 197€

Valued at 197€

Start Your journey

Self Love Alchemy

Everything starts with Self Love Alchemy. This 4-week course is the foundation of the Heroine’s Quest. It’s all about learning, growing, and ultimately coming out the other side stronger, balanced, and ready for abundance. 

Each week includes multiple modules composed of audio recordings, transcripts, visuals, and online workbooks.

Week One

Intro to Self Love

Your first week in Self Love Alchemy begins with The Disconnect and the Crystal Cave Meditation that will connect you to your inner guide and achieve profound insight. We dive into The Dark Night of the Soul and uncover your Identity Map before moving into a look at Where Attention Goes Energy Flows and Growing New Beliefs. Finally, we explore why Commitment is Key and complete a Commitment Workbook.  

Week Two

Neurobiology & Shadow Work

We start the second week with a look into The Neurobiology of Not Being Enough and work through how to Rewire For Love. Next up is Energy in Motion, including a workbook and Mental Blocks Meditation. Then we move into How the Shadow is Born and the Dark Side of the Moon, working through workbooks for each. 

Week Three

Finding The Light

We begin to move into the light in week 3, beginning with the first module, Diving Deeper with Light and working through From Dusk till Dawn. We then look at Psychological Projections and Boundaries. 

Week Four

Awakening the Divine

Finally, we pull it all together with Forgiveness, The Divine Masculine & Feminine, and the Bridge. Workbooks for each module will help you understand these ideas on a deeper level, and we’ll conclude with a Self Love Valley Meditation to aid you as you awaken the divine within you.  

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Access Abundance

The abundance frequency is your birthright, and I want to help you access it. After embracing Self Love Alchemy, you’re perfectly positioned to do so. Working through this course will help you discover your deepest gifts, blueprints, and codes hidden within your soul and activate them.

Week One

Decoding Abundance

We begin by Discovering your Gifts and Decoding Abundance, which includes lessons and workbooks for each module. The Access Abundance Meditation will help you do this initial work of embracing abundance in all your observations, meditations, or visualisations. 

Week Two

Moving into Your Power

We move onto examining the Power of Choice and your Desires and True Creative Source. The Money Garden Meditation creates flow into your awareness so you feel the energy of money always being available for you when you wish to connect to it.  

Week Three

Building Wealth Consciousness

Week 3 is all about Money Poverty and Wealth Consciousness, as well as the Receiving Frequency. The Creating Wealth Consciousness Meditation offers affirmations on prosperity, abundance, health and freedom, and Invoke the Goddess Meditation will guide you in blessing the energy centers and nurturing, cleaning and invoke the balance and power of each chakra center by center.

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Quantum Creation

Once you’ve completed Self Love Alchemy and Access Abundance, you’re ready to experience Quantum Creation. When you understand energy and how it works with your creative cycles, you begin to understand what it takes to fully create and manifest in our world.

Week One

Exploring Manifestation and Quantum Magic

We begin with the Magic of Manifestation and exploring the Quantum Field. You’ll also be doing Inner and Outer Reality Work and use the Your Creative Self Meditation to understand the importance of actually feeling that what you create is already here in the now.

Week Two

Your Future Self

Next we look at the Energy of Your Future Self and how Self-Talk Creates Reality. Unleash your magnetism and understand that you are the creator, with the power to create inner worlds, universes and that bending reality is in your nature with the Magnetic Attractor Meditation.  

Week Three

The Power of Imagination and Creative Cycles

Finally, we close with the Secret Power of Imagination and Your Creative Cycles. The Imagination and Creativity Meditation will help you unlock the doors into your own imagination to access the creativity inside.

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The Heroine’s Quest also includes…

● The Deep Dive Welcome Pack intricately fuses personal growth and spiritual development for your personal and our collective upgrade

● 7 meditations and visualisations created exclusively for your personal development as you move through your own Heroine’s Quest

● Custom designed illustrations to enhance your experience and grow your own understanding of creativity, abundance, and manifesting

● A highly curated PAID MEMBERS ONLY Facebook Group with a community of magical women from all walks of life where you’ll be able to ask questions, connect with other women, and find a place of love and light online

● A vault full of our live training and videos, making it easy to find the support you need as you go on your Quest

● Biweekly support sessions led by Toini within the Facebook Group to offer additional guidance and answers 

i'm ready to begin my quest  →

Start your own quest now to get access to all of this and more for only 97€

I’m a passionate abundance coach, optimistic entrepreneur and devoted soul searcher, and I created the Heroine’s Quest to help you rekindle your inner flame and jumpstart your business. Building my first million-dollar business at 23 was the beginning of my descent and journey back to myself. 

Through studying poets, spiritual texts, personal development, as well as everything from neuroscience and quantum physics, to mythology, and astrology—some in which I’m trained and certified for, while others I’ve studied for pure pleasure, expanding, and learning—I reunite women with their creativity, intuition and most importantly their true selves. My goal is to unlock your courage to manifest your outcomes by taking action and creating a soulful business. 

Divinely Created by Toini Halle

How do women feel after working with Toini?

The Heroine’s Quest is for you if...

● You want to create a soulful business built to support your life’s goals, not just to hustle and make money. 

● You don’t have a business yet, but you find yourself on the path to create something outside yourself. 

● You wish you had the courage to express your own voice, to express yourself, and you’re ready to find it. 

● You understand that abundance is more than money: it’s about finding your true gifts, your true happiness, your magic. (Though that also often leads to money.) 

● You’re tired of being told you’re too much — or not enough. You’re ready to find that balance and accept who you are. 

The Heroine’s Quest isn’t for you if…

● Your only goal in your business is to work hard, make money, and repeat. 

● You aren’t enthusiastic about living life to the fullest. 

● You’re only focused on money. Yes, money comes with abundance. But we’re about monetising your gifts, not just hustling to bring the money in the door. 

● You’re not willing to do the work that comes with developing your mindset. 

● You’ve accepted the lies the world has told you and don’t believe you can change.

The Heroine’s Quest Bundle includes...

Three complete, standalone courses created to guide you on your journey to wholeness and becoming a master manifestor: Self Love Alchemy, Access Abundance, and Quantum Creation.

In addition to these robust courses, you also get: 

i'm ready to begin my quest  →

● The Deep Dive Welcome Pack intricately fuses personal growth and spiritual development for your personal and our collective upgrade

● 7 meditations and visualisations created exclusively for your personal development as you move through your own Heroine’s Quest

● Custom designed illustrations to enhance your experience and grow your own understanding of creativity, abundance, and manifesting

● A highly curated PAID MEMBERS ONLY Facebook Group with a community of magical women from all walks of life where you’ll be able to ask questions, connect with other women, and find a place of love and light online

● A vault full of our live training and videos, making it easy to find the support you need as you go on your Quest

● Biweekly support sessions led by Toini within the Facebook Group to offer additional guidance and answers 

Start your own quest now to get access to all of this and more for only 397€

The 30-Day Heroine’s Quest Promise

I fully believe that anyone who actively goes through the Heroine’s Quest will come through the other side transformed. That’s why I’m promising that if you can show that you’ve done the work for 30 days and aren’t satisfied, I’ll give you back the full investment you made.  

learn more


How is the program delivered?

How is the program delivered?

All the modules are delivered through text, audio, and workbooks. There are also some visual effects for visual learners. You can also have the workbooks sent directly to your mailbox for a small fee if you like to have the course tangible.

What if I don't feel happy with my purchase?

What if I don't feel happy with my purchase?

As Marie Forleo says, everything is figureoutable. We want you to be aligned, contact us within 30 days at Payments@toinihalle.com for a full refund.

How much time does the course require?

How much time does the course require?

Most of our students are either working full time or busy building their business. You can do this completely in your own tempo and customize the work around your schedule. The good news is that you ́ll have lifetime access to the content and will benefit from all future upgrades as well. 

What if I need additional support as I walk through this journey?

What if I need support and have questions about the content?

All students of The Heroine’s Quest have access to a highly curated Facebook group with bi-weekly coaching Q & A calls, live masterclasses, live coaching, and other free resources. You will also be a part of a loving and strong community that will support your journey. 

What if I’m not on Facebook? 

What if I need support and have questions about the content?

All recordings (including Facebook Lives within the group) will be uploaded to the Vault so you can access it even if you aren’t on Facebook. 

What if I’m not a woman biologically? 

What if I need support and have questions about the content?

We accept all people who identify as a woman or non-binary. The Heroine’s Quest is a sisterhood, and is welcoming of all who are on a similar journey.

The Heroine’s Quest Bundle includes...

Three complete, standalone courses created to guide you on your journey to wholeness and becoming a master manifestor: Self Love Alchemy, Access Abundance, and Quantum Creation.

In addition to these robust courses, you also get: 

i'm ready to begin my quest  →

● The Deep Dive Welcome Pack intricately fuses personal growth and spiritual development for your personal and our collective upgrade

● 7 meditations and visualisations created exclusively for your personal development as you move through your own Heroine’s Quest

● Custom designed illustrations to enhance your experience and grow your own understanding of creativity, abundance, and manifesting

● A highly curated PAID MEMBERS ONLY Facebook Group with a community of magical women from all walks of life where you’ll be able to ask questions, connect with other women, and find a place of love and light online

● A vault full of our live training and videos, making it easy to find the support you need as you go on your Quest

● Biweekly support sessions led by Toini within the Facebook Group to offer additional guidance and answers 

Start your own quest now to get access to all of this and more for only 97€