Wealth Consciousness & Becoming The Alchemist Of Your Life

Amazing soul, where are you creating from?
 True WEALTH CONSCIOUSNESS is having what you want when you want it, with the least effort. It is about being grounded in the wisdom of uncertainty. This is what abundance awareness is. Knowing that you have the freedom to create anything you want with the awareness of the present moment. Harness the power of intention and attention. Detach from your creation and live in freedom. What emerges from here is freshness, excitement, and joy. This is beneficial for evolution and it will transform your life. The best way I can describe the feeling of being an intentional manifestor is like going to an awesome beach party with all your best friends attending, before heading to the airport to travel the world for as long as you feel like it. The possibilities are endless.

The road is wide open and calling. The adventure of your life is waiting. Can you imagine a life with so much freedom? Are you brave enough to at least ask for it? Whose permission are you waiting for to
put your foot in the door and say “This is my time!”? When I tap into the energy of the life I want to create, the adjectives and keywords that best describe it are:
Elated, happy, joyful, joyous, delighted, gleeful, excited, exhilarated, animated, jubilant, exultant, ecstatic, blissful, enraptured, rapturous, rhapsody.

What are the words and energies of a life worth living for YOU?? What if you knew without a shadow of a doubt that your dream life is available to you right now? Would you welcome it with open arms or would you shy away from it? Are the limiting stories, lies, and hidden agendas you are functioning from more valuable and real than what you can create as an infinite being? Are you so afraid that if you took the first step towards your soulful desires, nothing will ever be the same again? 

The need for safety is an illusion. POVERTY CONSCIOUSNESS is an attachment to the ego, the false structure of the self, attachment to your car, house, money, and job title is a sign of insecurity, and it is
connected to a rigid mindset. This is creating from lack, the prison of the repetition of the known past. What emerges from here is: Entropy, lack, scarcity, insecurity, and fear.
At the end of the day, everything comes down to choice and building momentum in the direction of what you are called to bring forth into this world.
So where is your momentum going?

One of the things I had to practice was feeling good about life and myself. I had to practice allowing myself to feel good about who I am, how I express myself, and what I would like to create. I sat through painful layers in deep discomfort. When I did, new deeper levels of  EUPHORIA came through the universe and entrained with my energy. I had forgotten who I was in essence, I RE-MEMBERED with SELF-LOVE. I practice and ENTRAIN with the universe every day, I welcome myself as I AM and the reward is access to abundance on all levels. Trust me, once mindfulness and intentional manifestation become your “default setting”, going in the opposite direction of unconsciousness will take so much of your energy that you won’t do it. Maybe you will mingle with it shortly, but you won’t go all the way down the rabbit hole. It would be too painful.

You see, bending reality with your thoughts is consciousness playing at its best. Then, the magic is sitting back, all that relaxed on your lux sunbed, drink in one hand, and your new future in the other.
Your expanded creativity makes every cell vibrate so strong with life that it will create ripples in your yogi tea. Just observe how your physical reality effortlessly reorganizes thanks to the magnificent principles of quantum mechanics. Transform your frequency from shadow to essence and activate your spiritual genius. Your genius is in your genes. Your shadow contains your gift. This will reveal greatness beyond the definition of success. You will attract all the resources you need to fulfill your purpose.

And this, amazing souls, is what I call alchemy!

When you know all of that, the times of challenge all of a sudden lose their power over you. All of a sudden you are starting to function from “Hmm, interesting, I get to make new choices” instead of  “Omg, how do I get out alive from here?!”. You have no idea what superpowers you possess so don’t ever be afraid of tough times! Greatness, Strength, Tenacity, Love, Power, Intuition, Stamina.
These will become your best friends when in crisis.

Don’t resist life, be soulful in difficult situations, learn, navigate, and expand. Do you know that saying? …A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor. It applies perfectly to the point I’m making.

Here’s a great visual reminder… Imagine the mom who lifts the truck up when her baby’s stuck under. All the power has been living inside her and she had no idea! 0. Nada, not even a clue or a
hint! That strength is in you as well! Don’t EVER doubt it. I want to share with you an easy exercise you can start using today to tap into the consciousness of wealth and to become the master/alchemist of your life. Would you like that?
Before I get into that, I have a surprise for you!
I’m really excited to invite you to my Free Masterclass: ‘3 Powerful Shifts To Release Abundance Blocks’, where I talk about the 3 pillars I believe are fundamental to unlocking abundance in all areas of life. If you stay until the end of the masterclass, you’ll receive a copy of my E-book: ‘Become a Manifestation Powerhouse’ for free. People are loving it! If that speaks to you and you too are ready for radical transformation with your money, business, body, and relationships, then I would love to see you there. You can sign up here >> 
Ok guys, what I want you to do is set an alarm every 4 hours when you take a short break from what you are doing to get centered and present. Relax your body. We usually hold tensions in our face, neck, and shoulders. Then, take a deep breath in, hold for 3 seconds, and breathe out slowly. Tap into the energy of what you’d like your life to be. Visualize it, feel it, use all your senses!
What would you do on a daily basis? Who would you spend time with?
How would you like to make money?
What fun activities would you do?
Can you implement some of those things or a variation right now?
Be creative!
You will do this every 4 hours, getting more and more detailed every time. Having this kind of consistency will turn your life vision into the new norm. You’ll notice how you start to embody the version of you that already has it all. And this is how you build momentum! I hope this simple exercise will contribute to you! Have fun with it and share it with others.

Oh and don’t forget to sign up for the Free Masterclass: ‘3 Powerful Shifts To Release Abundance Blocks’, where I talk about the 3 pillars I believe are fundamental to unlocking abundance in all areas of life. If you stay until the end of the masterclass, you’ll receive a copy of my E-book: ‘Become a Manifestation Powerhouse’ for free. Here’s the link >> 
Toini Halle – Entrepreneur, Life & Business Coach