From Soulless Strategy to Conscious Entrepreneurship

You know deep inside that you are meant to create something that will help people live their best life and you want to do it on your own terms… so go for it, but, remember this:
Conscious entrepreneurship is not about following the latest 3 step formula. It is about BECOMING.
Creativity, Intuition, Innovation, Imagination.

These are qualities of the soul. Your true creative expression as an entrepreneur will only be authentic if you dare to descend into the underworld of yourself. Do not negotiate away you genius for illusionary safety, no one is getting out of here alive. So DARE before you REGRET. Through compassion, you will access your gifts. Under piles of darkness and truth. Then return to the upper world and share your hero’s journey. I personally wonder what inspiration you can be for others… 

Do you?

Stepping into creative and financial freedom is a matter of no longer negotiating on that voice from within, always guiding you to the highest vibrational choice available. The most liberating moment for me was when I decided to NEVER negotiate again with where I directed my energy in terms of my life’s work. What triggered this decision? I remembered my time on earth is borrowed, so I might as well make the best of it. My life’s work is to assist female entrepreneurs on the journey back to self-love and an abundant money mind-set. I want to empower women so they can have a healthy relationship with their self-worth as well as their net-worth. I want to ask you…
– What are you secretly dreaming of being and doing in your life?
– What sparks your interest, joy, and excitement?
– What comes naturally to you that you could use to contribute to others?
– What is your gift to humanity?
– How are you going to share your message?
– Are you going to fall into the trap of mimicking what everybody else is doing by following the “cookie-cutter formula” that will solve all your business “problems”?
– Are you going to boldly follow your intuition & soul calling each and every moment?

The latter should always be the foundation, then you can implement the strategies that are right and fun for you. Create your soul-drive empire by forging your own path. You didn’t quit your job just to become a slave again. The slave of self-imposed limitations and strategies that have been “proven” to work,  but that suck the life out of you. You know what I’m talking about! This is why I teach Self-Love Alchemy FIRST in all my training. 

Your business will only be as successful as you dare to be. When you deeply know yourself, your patterns, your desires, your intuition & you merge your urge to contribute with passion, guess what happens… You BECOME unstoppable. This is how you build a heart-centered business that really impacts the world. The moment you understand yourself, you are able to truly value your creations & gifts to the world. In turn, others will do too!
Here are two great questions to think about:

– Who and what can I BE to manifest my deepest, most exciting life?
– What points of view would I have to let go of to BE the energy of my dream life and business?
Let me share my own experience in the world of entrepreneurship.
In less than a year, I built a 5 figure global coaching business. In less than a YEAR. And I promise you I did that despite having curveballs thrown my way, left and right. But you know what, I TOOK THE RIDE, even though I was terrified. Terrified! Despite battling my own fears, limiting beliefs, and abundance blocks, I CHOSE to keep going, while staying centered. It was like learning to surf for the first time. I took my inner surfboard & went for the big wave. No coming back from this!

No, I was all in!

BECOMING an entrepreneur is exactly what I just said. “It is. About. Becoming.”. It’s about crossing the river – even though you wanna cave into the crippling fear of failing. You know, that fear that makes your knees weak, your heart pound and has you gasping for air like a fish on land… That penetrating thought of comparison to EVERY other entrepreneur out there… That slow excruciating pain the ego inflicts upon you… That deeply ingrained fear of failure and rejection… Are things we have signed up for, but not to be tortured by them! No, we have signed up for them because you and I are brave enough to be shown the energy we are functioning from. To be shown all the wounds and insecurities that were consuming our life force but we had no idea even existed. It just happens to be that running a business is a really good trigger for all that to come to the surface.
Like I said in the beginning, it’s a trip to the underworld and back. You don’t even have time to put your seatbelt on. However, deep, deep down, in the nucleus of every conscious cell of your being, you know you came to create, to free yourself from the chains of the conditioned patterns and programs, and to guide others to do the same. The robotic way of living you have been accepting and that has you enslaved to 30 thousand hours of programming build to keep you from realizing your full potential, simply does not work anymore. It’s the equivalent of dying Every. Single. Day, slowly, but surely losing the sense of who you are at your core.

You see, these hidden programs operating from the shadows are so covert that you can only recognize them if you do the inner work. If you dare to look at the places most people live all their lives avoiding. Automated archaic programs of unworthiness, lack, limitations are having you fight a constant battle inside your mind. The perfect prison… Split, stressed, and unfulfilled you still feel that CALLING. After all, your creative brilliance has to draw its strength from somewhere, right? It’s coming from an untappable source of life. Through the ether, something is reaching you, stirring you at the deepest levels of your soul, and with every new uphill, you feel the awakening happening. You feel the inner drum beating for you to step up to the greatness inside you. Your mind can’t even pretend to grasp or comprehend what that truly is. Do I need to remind you that you came forth, fighting 4 billion other cells in the primal race of BECOMING?

So use your powers as a creator. Learn the principles. The laws of creation. Cross the river. Take the ride. Master your self. Create inner monarchy and learn how to uncreate all the destructive patterns of thought. Those patterns that perpetuate LIES about your life, about you, about your business. LIES so painful you don’t even want to face them.

FACE THEM, and break free.

Beautiful soul, I want to share with you a few handy questions/journal prompts to help you bring more consciousness into your business so you can run it on your own terms, while having fun, of course.

Would you like that?

Before I get into that, I have a surprise for you! I’m really excited to invite you to my Free Masterclass: ‘3 Powerful Shifts To Release Abundance Blocks’, where I talk about the 3 pillars I believe are fundamental to unlocking abundance in all areas of life. If you stay until the end of the masterclass, you’ll receive a copy of my E-book: ‘Become a Manifestation Powerhouse’ for free. People are loving it! If that speaks to you & you too are ready for radical transformation with your money, business, body & relationships, then I would love to see you there. You can sign up here >>

Here are your questions/journal prompts:

If I could generate the income I desire doing only what I love, then what strategies & activities would I be
    still implementing in my business?

– If I had no point of view, judgment, the expectation of my business, then what else would be possible?

– What product or service can I have fun creating right now?
– If I were willing to be all of me in my business, unapologetically, then what would I be and do differently

– What contribution can others be to me and my business, that I haven’t been willing to receive?

I wonder what new awareness you’ll find & what magic you can create with it.

If this article has been helpful, make sure to share it! Oh and don’t forget to sign up for the Free Masterclass: ‘3 Powerful Shifts To Release Abundance Blocks’, where I talk about the 3 pillars I believe are fundamental to unlocking abundance in all areas of life. If you stay until the end of the masterclass, you’ll receive a copy of my E-book: ‘Become a Manifestation Powerhouse’ for free. Here’s the link >>
Love, Toini Halle – Entrepreneur, Life & Business Coach