The Journey From Lack To Financial Freedom & Beyond


Isn’t this the hottest topic of all time? Some people love it and would eat it for breakfast, while others hate it
and would argue it’s the root of all evil… Some people talk about it like it’s taboo, while others write songs
and books about it… Some people make bank as if by magic, while others struggle to even get by, and let’s not even get into the whole credit card debt scenario…
Such a big part of our everyday life and yet nobody bothers to teach us about it in school. Sure, we have mathematics, economics, or business classes in high school or college, but that’s not what I’m talking about. What ultimately sets two people apart in terms of how much money they make is not an outside circumstance or luck. What they have in common, though, is the same inherent ability to create reality on their own terms, regardless of outside situations.
It’s all in the mindset and the energy somebody is functioning from. So right now I’m asking you.
How aware are you of your patterns with money and how are things currently going? If you are happy with your finances, congratulations! If you are not happy with your finances, congratulations too! No, I’m not being ironic here and I’m not going to give you a pep talk.
Seriously, congratulations, because you are just as powerful as the first person. After all, you’ve created… something. Only you know what that is. Did you know that creating abundance takes the same amount of energy as it takes to create lack? Say what?! Yes, you heard it right! Creating abundance takes the same amount of energy as it takes to create lack! Let me explain this statement… The things we want to create, whether that be money, relationships, health, etc. are completely neutral. However, what ends up manifesting is the result of the points of view we hold about money, relationships, health, etc. In essence, actualizing a million dollars is just as easy as actualizing a hundred dollars, but how many people have this point of view?
We are thought to give more meaning and significance to certain things and not to others. It’s something so deeply ingrained in us from a young age, that it’s almost impossible to acknowledge what is actually possible. You see, we are always creating! It’s how we are built. Our energy has to go somewhere. The energy that flows through each and every single one of us is never-ending and we, as infinite beings with a body, have the ability to direct this energy, both consciously and unconsciously. One thing about energy flow/chi/prana that you have probably never acknowledged before is that it can’t be blocked. You might believe it is when you experience lack, any kind of lack, but that’s an illusion.
What actually happens is that the energy is flowing as always, however, it is directed in a way that manifests things you would see as the opposite of what you desire. Now, I want to play a game with you that will drive this point home, but before that, I’m really excited to invite you to my Free Masterclass: ‘3 Powerful Shifts To Release Abundance Blocks’, where I talk about the 3 pillars I believe are fundamental to unlocking abundance in all areas of life. If you stay until the end of the masterclass, you’ll receive a copy of my E-book: ‘Become a Manifestation Powerhouse’ for free. People are loving it! If that speaks to you and you too are ready for radical transformation with your money, business, body, and relationships, then I’d love to see you there. You can sign up here >>
Coming back, I want you to imagine the following scenario:
You are in a basketball field. It’s a draw (1:1) and your team counts on you to score the last basket.
Here are the rules of the game:
– You have to sit in the middle of the field when aiming to shoot.
– No other player can intervene.
– It’s just you vs you for now.
– You will be blindfolded.
– You also can’t hear anything. I’ll spin you around back and forth as many times as I wish. Don’t even try to count the number of spins. You won’t be able to figure out whether you face the basketball hoop of the opponent team or yours. Because I’m fair I’ll let you turn 180 degrees, however many times you want. I don’t wanna hear I favored your competitor. It’s all on you, pal! #NoPressure.

– You have no reference point and you know shooting in any direction will take the same amount of force and energy. However, which way you are directing the ball will determine very different outcomes. Your team either wins or loses.

Now, let’s take all the elements of that scenario and see how they translate in the way we create our lives. By the way, I’ll ask you a question at the end! The basketball field is the playground of your life. The ball is the vision of what you want to create. The draw (1:1) is the moment when we have to make a new choice. The team that counts on you to score stands for all the people around you that are projecting, expecting, and judging. This can also be your inner monologue, your own points of view, conclusions, hidden agendas, and so on.

– You have been given a never-ending flow of energy and the ability to choose whatever you want. Nobody else other than you has a say in terms of what you can create.
– The awareness you are refusing to have. It’s all the patterns that run the show behind the scenes. However this can also be interpreted as what you have to clear that has been bought as true from everyone around you, that actually isn’t.
–  All the contradictions you are functioning from. This is you when you claim you want something but who you are being and what you are doing says otherwise.
– Your infinite choice and possibility. Which basketball hoop you are facing is an analogy for the direction of your energy. The moment the ball goes right through that hoop is the moment your choice manifests in physical reality.

I said I was going to ask you something…
The ball is in your hand! What is it going to be? After you answer this to yourself, I hope you will see what I see. People all around you, giving a standing ovation for the performance that has inspired them to go out there and play their own game the best they can! The smiles on their face… At the end of the day, it was never about you…

Ok loves, I hope this little game/analogy has contributed to you, but I’m not done yet! Let’s do a short guided meditation to bring into your life more money and abundance.
If you’d like a different topic, that’s totally fine.
I want you to either sit straight in a chair or lay down on your bed. Close your eyes, take a deep breath in through your nose, expanding your diaphragm and belly, hold for 3 seconds, then slowly breathe out. Wait 3 seconds then repeat this breathing pattern until you feel relaxed enough. Make sure you release any tension in your face, neck, shoulders, back, arms, and legs. I want you to visualize standing in the middle of that basketball field. All lights on you. You are the center of attention!

Now, answer these questions:
>> What would I love to do with the money I’m asking for?
>> What choices would I be making?
>> What would my everyday life be like?
>> What would I be like?

The idea is to focus on the energy you’d like your life to be, not on the amount of money itself. I suppose you don’t want money for the sake of it, you want to do something with it. After you do that, become aware of the ball you have in your hands. All the desires you just envisioned are contained in it and now have a life of their own. With every breath in, expand the energy field of that ball exponentially until it envelops the Earth, the stars, and the planets. The sky is not the limit here! Good! Now bring your attention back to the field. The basketball hoop is 40 feet away from you. You start hearing the sound of the crowd cheering you on and saying your name. It’s time to focus and show us what you got! Throw that ball in style as we’ve never seen before! The moment you score, I want you to see the whole crowd, thousands and thousands of people standing up and screaming from the top of their lungs for you. Look around, see their smiles, and visualize how you pull energy from everyone. Now send trickles of energy to them, so you can all contribute to one another in ways you can’t even imagine. Keep doing that until you can’t contain the smile on your face. Have fun with it, experiment, and let me know how that felt.

Oh and don’t forget to sign up for the Free Masterclass: ‘3 Powerful Shifts To Release Abundance Blocks’, where I talk about the 3 pillars I believe are fundamental to unlocking abundance in all areas of life. If you stay until the end of the masterclass, you’ll receive a copy of my E-book: ‘Become a Manifestation Powerhouse’ for free. Here’s the link >>
Love, Toini Halle – Entrepreneur, Life & Business Coach